A Visual Voice design

About Me

As an artist and teacher, I feel that art is one of the most important forms of communication. Art is storytelling.  Art is feeling and showing. Art is powerful. Art has a life of its own. Art lives on into the future and has the power to evoke emotions. Art can create change and promote understanding. Art is speaking; using your visual voice. It’s an important conversation between the artist and the viewer. As the artist chooses their subject matter, he or she is choosing to visually describe and personally speak about that subject. In my work, I interpret transition and change through the passage of time and existing in that precise moment, which will never exist again.


Photography is an exciting media, as it can tell a story, depict emotions, and capture the memories of life, living, and change. It is in the now; or it can bring back the past. In my photo collages, I explore the experience of time, an ephemeral and abstract yet arbitrary concept.  Time is fleeting, yet it can be measured. The collages usually combine images that were taken in the same location, during the same shoot,but at different times, tying together a memory stream of the experience. Plein air painting continues my exploration of the elusive moment, and preserving time and memory. It lives is in the present…interpreting life and what you see, feel, and experience through the paintbrush. As I paint, I interpret light, shadow, and color to structure the context of time and space. All that remains after change, transition and passage of time is memories and transient images.  My work is intended to evoke a sense of time and place and put the viewer into that place, immersing you in the illusion.

Design speaks to the spirit!